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Privacy and confidentiality has become of big concern for the new media world. It seems like once you post something online, it is there forever. In the article "The Wild West of Privacy", Joe Nocera makes some interesting points such as: internet companies collect information about us, which they deploy in the service of advertisers. They know as much about us as we do ourselves. As a user of new media, this concerns me. Upon reading this article, I will be more conscious on the content and information I post online. The biggest problem is when others are able to use and manipulate information about you which can cause a whole bunch of chaos. Users should be more aware when using the media and take efforts to protect their information as much as they can!


  1. Hi David! You made interesting points on how our data is being used for advertisement reasons. I agree that we need to be more conscious of what we post online because it is there forever, even when you press delete its not deleted.

  2. I agree that we should be more careful about the media and also take more efforts to protect their information. I just wonder if there is a way to make it easier to protect the people's information.

  3. It always shocks me the amount of information that can be gathered on one individual and how a company can just buy is for pennies on a dollar to basically think for you and predict your habits and interest. You made a good point of how this may cause chaos. I wonder what you think would cause the chaos? Will it be corporations internally burst because of all the information they get they can no longer organize and their system of analyzing goes wrong, leading to all these predictive and target ads just spit out wrong predictions?


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