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Social Networking Sites

My impressions on:

Facebook: THERE ARE SO MANY ADS. The first thing I notice when I log on to Facebook is the amount of ads. When I watch a video, the first thing that pops up is not the video but rather the ads. This can be frustrating at times. Moreover, I realize that Facebook targets an older age group than college students. I use Facebook to stay in touch with all my uncles and aunts so for this purpose I enjoy it!

Twitter: I find it so interesting to read peoples' tweets. You can understand someone's day by their tweets/retweets. There is so much interactions going on, on twitter. Everytime I refresh, something new comes up and it goes to show how many people are using twitter! Although it is not an in person interaction but real-time conversations are still able to take place!

Instagram: This by-far my favorite social networking site. I love seeing pictures. People are so creative and fancy and its amazing to see! I find myself being on Instagram for hours. This platform is user-friendly and easy to move around to adventure various things. Being able to like a photo with just a double tap is so convenient.

SnapChat: Snapchat has gotten rid of the use words in todays society and substituted it with selfies instead. The developer of this app is a genius. Most of my conversations with my friends involve selfies and emoji's. It's a more personal interaction. No longer are you behind a screen and typing but the person on the other end can see your facial expressions, if you wish to show it. Communicating through pictures has just made life so much easier.


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