Advancements in new media has fostered creativity over the past decade. In the article "Creators, Audiences, and the New Media: Creativity in an Interactive Environment" the author says "the need to create art requires humans at every stage to utilize the technology to express information" (Pg 47). Technology has been growing over the past years and this growth has resulted in new forms and new possibilities of communication. One example of this seen prominent today is through personal video blogs (vlogs). Creators of vlogs are able to post videos of their daily life but also include interesting content that catch and keep the attention of viewers. To listen to an individual talk for a certain period of time may be difficult but creators, through the use of new media technology, are able to insert various creative forms of art into their videos to impress viewers. Many years ago this was not possible but now new media has engendered creativity to up-incoming 'creators'.;sequence=1;sequence=1
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